五城目町は520年の歴史を誇る朝市をはじめ、東北唯一の御矢師や、林業の発展を支えた刃物鍛治といった伝統工芸、国内最大級の生産者数をほこる木苺をはじめとした特産品、それぞれ泉質がことなる温泉、2015年にグッドデザイン賞を受賞したシェアビレッジ町村、廃校利用で全国的にも注目を集める地域活性化支援センター(BABAME BASE)など、どこを切り取っても楽しい見所満載の町です。
Gojome town has fun sights such as Morning Market boasting a history of 520 years, traditional crafts such as the only Tohoku solemn arrowhead and blade knife that has supported the development of forestry,
local specialty including raspberry dwelling in the largest number of producers in the country, Japanese‐style hotels filled with different hot springs, Share Village that received Good Design Award in 2015, and the Regional Revitalization Support Center (BABAME BASE) which attracts attention nationwide by using closed school.
This site is a summary of various information in the town for the purpose of promoting emigration and settlement to Gojome town by perspectives of residential, tourist, and migrant.
We post information covering restaurants, hot springs and lodging, traditional crafts, local specialty, sightseeing areas, empty house information, subsidies, educational institutions, nursing care facilities, medical facilities, public facilities, entertainment, festivals, agriculture and forestry.
※Pleas note that some have not got permission to interview.